Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lost Mission Memories

Since my Missionary Journals were lost to the storage place...

I was just thinking about how lonely it was to knock doors in Va-i with Elder Scott Raymond. Dirty. Decrepit. Rude, poor filthy people. Maybe it's time I go back. And take pictures of all these places. Hot. We worked so so so hard and never gave up. Ha ha, one day out there Elder Raymond was jumping over a puddle and slipped and completely fell in to a puddle of mud.

Once tracting with Elder Piper the rain came down in a flash flood and we had to hide in a podezhd. My mission was amazing. The feelings I had then compare to nothing else that can be imagined. Only my longing for Tinkerpan while I was in Egypt can come close to comparing.

Duhovka is not... Duhonvna. мы с моим другом представители церкви Иисуса Христа святых последних дней. Wow those were the days.

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